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Work on art projects, not businesses

If you're like me, then you're an overthinker. You spend more time with your head in the clouds, than you do contemplating reality. One of the traps you might be likely to fall into, is thinking that every problem you encounter, could actually be a hidden business waiting to be discovered. Likely, this happens because of a constant focus on minor imperfections coupled with a desire to do great things. And yet, knowing that this mindset leads to less than desirable outcomes, "business building" is the default. But not every idea, needs to turn into a business. Instead, we should work on more art projects.

When you're making art, the only goal, is to make something that brings you joy. There's no place for the pressures of perfection to creep in. It's just as meaningful to fix a minor issue, as it is to build something net new. Additionally, art projects are always in a constant state of "undone". So practically, what that means is that there is no need to "move fast, and break things", because there's always something to add or subtract from your canvas.

In my opinion, art has intrinsic value because of the beauty of its creation. Going from some human's mind, to some tangible thing is a metaphysical miracle. Art generates meaning, not just from its form, but also from its interpretation. This very website, with all its quirks and hidden doors, is a representation of my ideas, but its also up to you to decide what that means. A business is far more rigid. It has one purpose and one goal, so in that way, its extremely narrow in scope. The kinds of questions you ask, center around taking, rather than giving. Art has intrinsic value. Business extracts value.

Art can also teach you more about yourself than money can. You often hear people say that "money can't buy happiness", and while I agree that it solves some issues, the solutions it provides are often one dimensional. It feels like the standard accepted idea is that money makes things better, up to a certain point and beyond that, the incremental happiness of every extra dollar, drops exponentially. Working on art does the reverse. Every "feature" that you decide to add to your project helps you learn a bit more about your own internal motivations. And every subtraction tells you something about how your taste has evolved. On top of that, art compounds. The things you learn about yourself become increasingly more complex and nuanced, the more you do.

So rather than searching for the next big business, consider making more art.

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