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Engineering @ New York, NY
Employment History
Senior Software Engineer @ Copilot
New York, NY
Jun 2023Present
Custom Visibility For Apps
Implemented dynamic access control for apps based on client attributes, allowing businesses to restrict app availability (e.g., Calendly, Messages) to specific client segments. This feature integrates with Zapier, Make, and even the Copilot API, enabling automated visibility changes triggered by custom field updates or specific events.
Contracts App
Created a new Copilot module enabling small business owners to draft, sign, and send contracts to clients, with features including customizable signature pages, variable inputs, and reusable templates.
Improved OnboardingImproved Onboarding Gif
Developed a new customer onboarding process featuring task completion and a 100 credit reward, aimed at increasing retention by engaging high-intent customers.
Technologies used: React, Typescript, Node.js, AWS, DynamoDB, Golang
Full Stack Software Engineer @ Coda
Boston, MA
Jan 2021Jan 2023
Canvas ColumnsCanvas Column Gif
Helped create a new way to blend structured and unstructured data. Canvas columns allow users to create collaborative canvases inside the cells of regular tables. The result is a novel way to organize information within a familiar surface like a document.
Mention to ShareMention to Share Gif
Introduced a new way to enable instant document sharing through @-mentions while streamlining collaboration. Reduced sharing process from 10+ steps to a few clicks, while implementing flexible options for deferred sharing, significantly improving user workflow efficiency and team productivity.
Technologies used: React, Typescript, Node.js, Postgres, Python
Software Engineer @ Microsoft
Seattle, WA
July 2018Jan 2021
Mixed Reality PortalMixed Reality Portal
Developed and maintained the Mixed Reality Portal, the entryway to all VR expereinces on Windows Devices as part of the Cognition team. Work included everything from detecting issues with holographic driver setup, to enabling new out of box experiences.
Technologies used: C++, C#, Windows, HoloLens, Unity, YAML
B.A. Computer Science & Philosophy Columbia University
New York, NY
Aug 2014May 2018
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